Internationale sanktioner
(For English please see below).
De til enhver tid gældende sanktioner finder du på Udenrigsministeriets hjemmeside. Klik her for at se mere.
Der kan ydermere i forbindelse med internationale sanktioner opstå hindringer for forsikringsgiveren vedr. levering af forsikringsydelsen, herunder men ikke begrænset til, udbetaling af skadeserstatning til skadelidte, eller at levering af tjenesteydelser hindres eller umuliggøres. Forsikringsgiveren eller dennes partner vil i disse tilfælde tilbyde en efter forholdende bedst mulig løsning for parterne.
Service i Iran
Internationale forhold omkring Iran umuliggør for øjeblikket kontantløs service. Det betyder, at Europæiske ERV rent operationelt ikke har mulighed for at stille betalingsgarantier eller betale regninger direkte til iranske sundhedsudbydere.
Skulle du komme ud for et dækningsberettiget skadestilfælde i Iran, skal du derfor selv afholde eventuelle udgifter, hvorefter Europæiske ERV vil kunne refundere dækningsberettigede udgifter til din danske bankkonto mod fremsendelse af relevant dokumentation.
Hvis du har spørgsmål til ovenstående, så er du altid velkommen til at kontakte os på +45 3325 2525 eller
International sanctions
The insurance does not cover cases where the activity is in direct contravention of applicable specific or general trade restrictions, including economic or financial restrictions and additional sanctions or embargoes imposed by the EU, USA or any country in the Nordic countries, unless the aforementioned measures are adopted in contravention of applicable EU legislation or rules of law in the Nordic countries.
You will find the sanctions at all times in force on the web site of The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Please see here for further information (in Danish).
Furthermore, international sanctions may create obstacles for the insurance provider regarding delivery of the insurance services, including but not limited to, reimbursement of expenses the claimant, and providing assistance may be hindered or become impossible. The insurance provider or any of its partners will in those situations offer the best suitable solution for the parties, taking the circumstances into consideration.
Provision of services in Iran
International conditions surrounding Iran presently prevent Europæiske ERV from providing cashless service there. This means that Europæiske ERV does not have the operational options for placing payment guarantees or paying invoices directly to health providers in Iran.
The consequence is that policyholders will be responsible for settling invoices from medical- and other providers themselves. For claims which are covered by the insurance, Europæiske ERV can reimburse the policyholders into their non-Iranian bank accounts for their documented medical expenses.
If you have any questions to the above, please contact us on phone +45 3325 2525 or e-mail: